Holistic Coaching

Nan is a longtime student, practitioner, and teacher of contemplative practices, standing at the intersection of Eastern body and Western mind. Nan worked nationally and internationally with fortune 500 companies, and 1:1 with high-profile and celebrity clients; she continues to work with high achievers, entrepreneurs, athletes, and creatives. In addition to her private practice, she is currently serving on Faculty at Naropa University, teaching in the Somatic Counseling MA program.
As a residential faculty member at Esalen Institute, for almost a decade, Nan taught gestalt, yoga, bodywork, contemplative movement practices, and meditation. She had the opportunity to learn directly from and teach alongside pioneers in many different fields. She has spent two decades in study with indigenous medicine traditions, from India to native practices of South, Central and North America.
Nan works with adults virtually via tele-health.
In other parts of her life, Nan enjoys spending time with her dog, dancing, curating playlists and learning to mix sound, excursions into nature, hot spring hunting, tending her garden, traveling, and finding the best cup of coffee in every town she visits.

Holistic Coaching
Coaching that meets you where you are, all of you-and is crafted for your needs.
Feeling Stuck
Perhaps, you are highly successful and things seem amazing from the outside, but you harbor a secret frustration, are quietly holding a sense of boredom or apathy inside towards what was once invigorating and exciting. Together we can identify the inertia and use that weight to catalyze momentum and the transformation that comes from harnessing your energies and reclaiming your creativity.
Things have fallen apart
Or perhaps are falling apart... Grief, loss, big life changes, ending of a relationship...
Learning to be with the big feelings, the unknown, and how to work with it all avails us to the gems, the growth, the renewal and the once unseen opportunities these times of devastation present. With a trusted witness and ally you can learn to be present in the midst of it all.
Everything is on fire
Maybe you are in crisis, or multiple conflating crisis. Maybe you are accustomed to over functioning and over performing, the fires just 'snuck up' on you. Together we can identify the fires, create actionable plans, and eventually come to understand how this point was arrived at and what choices can be made to manage or exhaust them.
Exploring depths
Maybe you are a deep thinker, a deep feeler, you like staring into the abyss hoping it will stare back. You take pleasure in existential questions, and nuanced experience and sensation of yourself in relation to the world within and without. Perhaps you are in relationship with death and dying, coming to your terms with the inevitability of mortality. Together we can explore the edges and recesses of this terrain.
These are just a few of the areas we might explore; everyone needs something a little different.
we can work on...
embodied wisdom
radical permission
routine, ritual, ceremony
frameworks that shaped you
what is holistic coaching?
Coaching takes so many different forms, and makes use of so many modalities- it is challenging to succinctly define. Individual coaching, is a consistent meeting between two people with the intent to learn and discover the client’s life and gain insight that might enable choice points so that the client can move into a more aware, empowered, fulfilling and meaningful life.
how often? how long?
That depends. Often at the onset of the coaching relationship, it is most supportive to establish consistency, coming weekly for about six months. This allows for a strong container and the depths and fruits of coaching to reveal. Some people find that coming twice a month is supportive, even once monthly; and some find coming multiple times a week beneficial. It can also be the case that some people find that just a few sessions necessary and it gives them tools to work with and they move on applying them to their life. Some clients prefer a 50 minute session, and others an 80 minute session, each offers different benefit depending on need.
what do we discuss?
A primary component of coaching with me involves cultivation of a nuanced awareness, and a curious receptivity and trust in the present moment and what is arising. We will expand your capacity to recognize, invite and engage with all aspects of your experience and awareness, pleasant, neutral, and unpleasant. As a noble friend and ally in your journey of self-discovery I will support you in identifying patterns, bringing what is unconscious into awareness, and supporting you in having greater agency of choice so that change can happen if and as needed.
Generally, when it comes time to engage in coaching, an individual has collected a history all their own that can never entirely be known. It can be helpful to give context to the present by discussing the past and how it informs the present. The potency of coaching takes place in the present moment, with an eye to the future. That said, at times it can be important to discuss current circumstances, life changes, stressors. It can also be useful to explore metaphor and dream work in addition to the embodied information available in the present moment. The relational field and coaching container can be viewed as a laboratory of how you do you, here and now.
will I feel better?
At times, yes. At times, no. Ultimately through consistency of engagement, yes!
Unfortunately, coaching is not a silver bullet and at times it will feel worse before it feels better. And through coaching you will learn that it is all information, and sensation, bringing all of you into presence- enabling you with the tools of self-regulation and the capacity to be with what is, whatever it is, as it arises. And the agency to self direct and actualize the life of your dreams.
how do I pay?
Coaching is an investment in and commitment to your long-term health and well being. I utilize CashApp. You can connect checking, savings, credit card, to the app. Together we can assess and work out your initial goals and create a plan unique to you and your current level of need.
“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.”
Anaïs Nin

Get in touch to learn more about 1:1 sessions, group classes, workshops, consultations, making and maintaining healthy shifts in your personal or professional lifestyle.